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Pictures and history

Alla's inspiration for "The Golden Penguin"  came to her after a concert tour through Queensland  Australia a few years ago. The magic

of the rain forest had inspired her to write some beautiful and romantic music to reflect her memories. As a contrast for the natural

habitants of the rain forest she decided to write a story of a fairytale penguin, who lived and was learning to fly in a warm, tropical

country, called The Country of Eternal Spring.

Throughout  Alla's childhood she would  often go to see different productions in the beautiful opera theatre in her home town

of Lviv. She has especially fond memories of the productions and music of the ballets of  Tchaicovskiy, which she had been

familiar with from the age of only 4! Since then one of her ambitions has been to write a beautiful, high standard of music

and a story for children - one which might be remembered for bringing kindness and beauty to children's hearts. The idea of

devotion and friendship is very important to Alla and she brought this to her Opera. She was lucky to meet a real (Blue)

penguin in the wild in New Zealand and mysteriously he even let her stroke his feathers! This was the inspiration for her to

compose this delightful opera.

Since the Covent Garden premiere of 'The Golden Penguin' it has been included in the main repertoire of The Lviv State

Opera and Ballet Theatre (Ukraine), where is expected it will continue to be performed to capacity audiences for at least the

next ten years.  


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